Additional New Services
If you or an owner within your block request any additional new services such as close cleaning, close window cleaning or backcourt maintenance services you will be sent an email from one our factoring team with a unique reference number relating to your property and a password which allows you to cast your vote within the time limit provided to you. Please take a note of your password, click the Vote Now button to proceed and then enter your password. You will then be directed to fill in your vote which will be a simple yes or no vote , add your name, address, email address and phone number and click submit. Once the deadline has passed we will notify customers of the outcome of the vote and whether a majority decision has been reached in order to proceed.
Mandated Works
If common repair works over £1,500 (including VAT), known as mandated works, are identified at your property you will be sent an email from one our factoring team with a unique reference number relating your property and a password which allows you to cast your vote within the time limit provided to you. Please take a note of your password, click the Vote Now button to proceed and then enter your password. You will then be directed to fill in your vote which will be a simple yes or no vote, add your name, address, email address and phone number and click submit. Once the deadline has passed we will notify customers of the outcome of the vote and whether a majority decision has been reached in order to proceed. A mandate and specification of works would then be issued to customers noting payment requirements.